New relationships can be exciting! It can also be tough to navigate whether someone is genuine or not. We all can hope that the other person is who they say they are and are not putting on some great act, but it can happen. During these early stages of a relationship is where we can ignore signs that we otherwise might not. The happiness and joy that a new relationship can bring can cause us to put blinders on. This is where discernment comes in. In these two videos, We have all heard of red flags but what about green flags. It is important to be on alert for red flags but it is also important to see the green flags as well! Robert and Alana will discuss how to notice red flags versus green flags in these two new videos.
In this first video, you will learn some possible red flags that could pop up in a new relationship. If you are a male, Robert gives some good pointers on things to keep an eye out for. His first point is that her identity is in what she does or what she has., not Christ. This could be a sign that you are not equally yoked in the spiritual area of your life and a red flag for moving forward.No confidence is another red flag to take notice of. If she won’t make eye contact, seems distracted, or just goes along with everything you say, this could be a reason to ask some deeper questions. If she dwells on the past or the future this could cause problems in the relationship in terms of not being in the present moment. She may have some healing to do and this may require some discussion. Watch to hear some tips on spotting red flags in males!
What are Red Flags in a Relationship
Green means go!
In this next video, Robert and Alana give some tips on noticing the green flags in a new relationship. We have heard all about the red flags but what about the green flags? Green flags are the things that you and your new partner are in alignment with that would be a reason to continue growing the relationship and moving forward. One of the main points would be “clear intentions” There is nothing more frustrating than starting to have feelings for someone and your relationship is in limbo. It is important to have clear intentions from the beginning on what you are both wanting out of the relationship. Do you both want to get married, have kids, travel, etc, Make sure your core values and beliefs are aligned. They do not have to be exactly the same but have a clear understanding of them. Their friends are a good clue as to their integrity. If their friends speak highly of them it is a good sign that you can trust that. Robert states that laughter is a huge green flag. life can be serious enough and relationships can be hard. When you find someone you can laugh with it makes life so much more joyful. We hope you enjoy this video and would love for you to offer feedback and any questions you may have.
Green Flags in Relationships
Lord, we ask for your guidance and discernment for those who are looking for that special someone they are equally yoked with. We pray for specifics in situations and your will to be done.

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Until next time Life Transformed Community!